Membership FAQs
Q: Why join the Ohio/Michigan Chapter NECA?
Being competitive in this industry, a contractor needs to have the right information and resources available at the right time. Being a member of the Chapter, you will receive information on all the important things happening in the industry you need to know to help position your company to succeed. Information such as the status of a contract under negotiations, when apprentices are being brought into the industry, or new programs that can help you be more competitive are regularly communicated through our newsletter and membership meetings. The Chapter also provides a large number of contractor resources to assist our members. Through our affiliation with NECA National, we have a vast array of technical support materials such as estimating, marketing and project supervision. If it affects electrical contracting, we most likely have the materials to help you decide on how to deal with it.
Q: Is the cost of joining the Chapter worth the expense?
Yes! The cost of joining the Chapter becomes a cost of doing business and is less than one quarter of one percent on sales. The services, information, materials, training and contacts a member gets far outweighs the cost. In a pure business sense, one should look at the business opportunities that are lost as a result of the expense and then look at the opportunities gained with the expense. Membership in the Chapter does not lose you work. In fact, it gains work for you while making your company a better electrical contractor.
Q: How can I find out what services the Chapter provides?
Just call the Chapter and ask to talk to Todd Michaelsen, the Chapter Manager. He would be happy to explain the Chapter services over the phone or take you out for a lunch to explain the member services.